Saturday, January 21, 2006

Ladies Night Out 1/20

So, I was talking a few months back to some of the people at work and the idea came up we should have a Ladies Night out. So, when push came to shove, we came up with some dates, settling on Friday, 1/20.

I kind of fell into the "organizer" role so I picked the place, Black Eyed Sally's, and made reservations for dinner. They have great live acts and the Savage Brothers were playing.

It was an awesome night. Lucy Hurston (sociology prof and author) brought her digital camera so there is digital documentation of the evening. I don't know if that's good because we were hamming it up all night and of course yours truly was hamming it up the most. So there's pics of me doing all these silly things and people at work are going to get them. Eeesh!

But what was amazing was that everyone in our group of 11 gals out for the night danced. Everyone had a great time, loved the food and digged the band. So I have to say, it was a succesful evening.

When the band took a break at 11pm, most of the women (married/older) went home. It was just Melissa, Del and me so we decided to go to La Casona. It's the salsa/latin dance mecca of Hartford and I hadn't been yet. We ended up going and it was pretty cool. I definately was in the minority, but everyone was really friendly but a bit reserved. I think that is just the culture. If they don't know you, they are a bit reserved. I always thought I was short at 5'4". And with my heels on, I must have been hovering at 5'7" last night. And I towered over EVERYONE. I've never seen so many short people in one location. It was kind of funny when you get leered at by men that don't even meet your shoulder. It's like...are you for real? Midget men do not turn me on.

Needless to say, I want to take salsa lessons. I danced with this cute older guy named Carlos. I told him I was a beginner but he was really friendly and we danced probably 4 or 5 songs. The thing I noticed that was different from the swing dancing I've done is that the leaders don't really look where they send out the followers (ladies). I got knocked into and stepped on so many times it was kind of ridiculous. But no one seemed to mind, actually it seemed they expected it. I think if I danced with a more seasoned dancer, it probably wouldn't happen so often.

Great night. My feet are killing me. I haven't had a late night out like that in forever. It was pretty damn cool.


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