Friday, January 06, 2006

New Year's 2006 @ Mt. Snow - Friday

So yes, Mt. Snow was a fun if somewhat wierdly eventful weekend.

After Lisa stressing that we needed to leave by 7:30am, she forgot to set her alarm and didn't roll into Bolton until about 10ish. Regina had already gotten to my house and we just chilled out. When list got there, we got her new BLING-mobile, a 2003 Lexus RX -XXX SUV, packed with three gals' worth of clothes, high heels, makeup, food, booze and snow gear.

We rode up and made good time. We stopped at the Vermont Country Deli right off exit 2 (off-91). It's really a little piece of heaven. It has the BEST sandwiches...and really expensive deli but you know's worth the splurge. Never mind that they have large cookies the size of small dinner plates. Mama mia!

Since I got like 3 hours of sleep the night before, we got to the house, unloaded and I crashed for the afternoon. I got woken up at about 6ish. The other gals (Regina and Lisa) had already taken showers. By the time we got ready, it was 9 pm. Where the hell does time go when you're in VT?

We went out to the Silo for dinner and drinks. It was pretty tame. For some reason, it was very family orientated for New Year's! Well, after waiting til 11pm to see if the Silo would liven up, we left for Deacon's Den. After a quick walk through at Deacon's and determination that it was indead dead, we went to the Snow Barn.

Finally! There was some people. There was the corniest DJ's up on the stage, a bunch of four wannabe gangster types just standing up there like doofuses while their boy spun his records. The first hour was painfully full of old Michael Jackson songs. I was ready to throw a bar stool at the stage when I decided it was best to make a request. I asked for my old standby's: Sexual Healing and LL Cool J's Doin' It. The DJ's dorky short white friend came over and said he had neither. My respect for the DJ went below subzero. Come-on! Sexual healing? What ijiot...doesn't have sexual healing in his repertoire? But he has all of lil Michael Jackson's hits? L-O-S-E-R!

We had our first round of drinks, and somehow a shot and a martini just was not creating a dent in my sobriety. So about 30 minutes later, we went for another round of shots and martinis. Finally I felt a bit more buzzed and the DJ didn't sound so dorky anymore.

None of our housemates showed up at Snowbarn as promised. They were too busy getting drunk at the house. During the course of the night, Lisa flashed her golden dance moves and smile and all the boys of course came in droves. We had two greasy guys come up and tell Lisa "Did anyone ever tell you how sexy you are". Lisa responded simply "Yes." Then they walked away. I think most of the boys were intimidated. Later in the night, the same two greasy boys came up to Regina and I and told us we were the two lucky ladies they had selected to take back to their place for wine by the fireplace. I told them that we had wine, a fireplace, a 7 person hot tub, and a kegorator full of Magic Hat #9 back at our place. And WE were doing the selection of who was coming back with us. The got a little green around the gills and quickly turned tail and ran away.

I ran across Dennis of this pretty cool web site. He looked much shorter and smaller in person than he did on the web site. Actually, I say he was 5'4 and 100 lbs soaking wet.

By the end of the night, I had met a cool group of guys from Quebec. It was very fun to talk to them. This nasty short guy (5'2") from Brooklyn in a black leather jacket and Run-DMC hat came over to talk to Regina and then talked to me. I was in a very festive mood, and when I'm buzzed, I'm miss social and flirtatious. I told him his hat was cute (so not true), hugged him and wished him a good New Year's. He pretty much stalked me and then tried to cut in on my dance with the cute guy from Quebec. I was not amused, he grabbed my arm, and I told him to piss off. Do some guys not get the clue?

Went back to the house with four guys in tow for some hottubing. Mike told them they couldn't park in the street and the three Quebec guys took off like a bunch of sissies. They thought the guys in the house were our boyfriends and they would get jumped. HUH?

Needless to say, Lisa's invitee, Patrick, stayed the night. The other housemates giggled when they found him passed out on a couch in the living room. Yes, Lisa, there is a Hook up god.


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Karla said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sounds like you guys had an interesting time!


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