Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Speed Dating Review

I just got home about twenty minutes ago from my first Speed Dating event. All in all, I would say it was fun! Everyone seemed friendly and making a strong effort to put their best foot forward.

I had 18 dates in about 3 hours. Each date was five minutes. It was good for the first 2 hours but then I began losing my steam. I'm sitting here at the computer feeling totally drained but I wanted to jot down my impressions while it was still fresh in my memory.

Some guys were busy shooting you so many questions you felt like you were on a kamikaze interview. I pretty much just winged it. I talked up the guys, asked them a few questions and just got them rolling and let it go wherever it went. I didn't always find out major jobs, age, etc. but I got an impression of their sense of humors and personalities.

I had 6 or 7 Yes's. That means I found 6-7 guys interesting enough that I would like to continue a conversation with them. The ones that come to mind as memorable was the hilarious Matt who had dark hair, expressive eyes and a great smile. There was the cute hockey player with the dark curly hair that I'm blanking on for his name. There was Andrew P. or C. who was hot, a lawyer and seemed like someone dragged him along. There was a couple of other guys that I thought were really funny but like I said, they all blur together at the end.

There was a couple of guys there who were separated with kids. I don't know why the heck they are there if they're really not single. The guys with kids were really nice, but I would never date a guy with kids. Not at this point. Too much drama.

A majority of the guys there were really outgoing and friendly, and there was the handful that it was painfully obvious why they were single. Was it the engineer who only talked about his fascination with computers and old cars? Yeah, he wasn't very plugged into knowing how to wow the females. There was another older artist guy who seemed to stare at your chest and face. Like he was undressing you with his eyes. Kind of reminded me of the way a convict after a 26 year sentence would look at a female. Very icky. There was a few older slick willies who I think were much older than the 42 year old cut off age that just seemed a bit too practiced and polished in their compliments and winning smiles. The hot lawyer was a total dick. He just sat there, his body language totally read that he had little interest in being there and even littler interest in getting to know you.

The females of the group were interesting. I got the emails from three women there and we talked about doing a girls night out. Over all, I think speed dating is a great way to meet other women who are in the same situation: single and want to go out and potentially meet single men.

There were the "piranhas": the females with an agenda. You know the ones I mean. The ones who keep not-as-hot girlfriends around because they make them look really good in comparison. They sleep with their friends' boyfriends for no other reason other to prove they can and they are alpha female. They are the women any smart woman keeps away from her men and don't socialize with unless they want a Jerry Springer drama on their hands.

We had a "piranha" at the speed dating event:
an older lady who looked like she had just gotten off her shift of working at the Clinique counter at Filene's. She was all made up, and her hair wall all curled up. She was busy winning all the men's attention for by being faux and super flirtatious. During the pizza break, she was sitting in one guy's lap and had another guy caress her rump. Hmmmmm.

We're supposed to get an email by Sunday night to find out who we have expressed an interest in and they have expressed an interest in us, too. In essence, a "match".


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hello there, i chanced upon your blog as i was interested about Speed Dating, and i was pretty much smiling laughing and about how your experience of SD went. ! haha.. im really happy you shared what you did, as ive always had this feeling or impression that it'd be really intimidating or embarassing to be there...haha...
though id really love to try it reading your experience gives me some enthusiasm and positive 'push' for me to try one out! :) cheers!

At 4:01 PM, Blogger James R said...

It seems you are into LOOKS

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Everybody is into looks to some degree. Relationships generally don't start pure. You can be as good a person as anyone but if the other person isn't turned on by your appearance, there's nothing they can do about it. Only you can change that by changing your appearance. I recently changed my lifestyle and lost 45lbs. I see a real difference in the way women look at me now and I really don't blame them. They don't want a guy who doesn't look good or takes care of himself any more than we guys want a woman who can't do the same. To think otherwise is really hypocritical. I knew what I had to do and I did it. It wasn't easy but it was definitely worth the effort.

At 3:53 AM, Blogger said...

Just wanted to say.. great post.........

At 5:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My cousin recommended this Speed Dating Questions blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!


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